How to Build Fast Rapport ?

You are sitting in a bar with a couple of friends and you suddenly see this beautiful blonde enters the bar with friends. She looks at you, your heart starts beating faster and you think your approach, but do not know how . At this very moment , the thought that comes to mind is what is determined to be successful with it or not .

Let me make it clear . If you see the blonde girl looking at you and you think it's not possible that she will never want to go out with you , then you are certainly going to get her number .The number one tip for success is to report mood . Science has shown that the internal world is our mind is reflected in the outside world. This means that what your beliefs are in your mind , this is how you act in the outside world.

Trust is the key to being a great success by building relationships with people you just met . Keep your head up, shoulders back and speak with confidence , you say that the person in front of you that you love and respect yourself and in return , the same response in return from you is obtained. Always practice the body language and the confidence to speak , but do not forget to avoid being too confident because you'll arrogant.

The reason I say this is because I have experienced the disadvantages of being too trusting . In 2011, I worked in the medical company that sells retail products for seniors . One day, I met with two potential clients and went to meet him and have successfully sold the back and a pair of electric wheelchairs . The day had barely begun and I made ​​over $ 1000 commission. The same day I received another call from a potential client who wanted to buy a power wheelchair . 

I ran home , I met the person and I was so confident , I ignored the customer 95% of the time and only thought about myself. I said what I think and I left without making a sale. Later that day , I discovered that he bought an electric wheelchair from another of my colleagues.

Now that I mentioned in the previous paragraph listening , you need to always be listening. There is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth . When you listen to the person in front of you , they become more attached to you for the way you listen closely .

When you speak , always look in the eyes of the person and be sure to give a positive atmosphere. The eyes are the windows to your soul and you think to yourself , your eyes convey that. Feel the love with and see their beautiful eyes. Such eyes are the charm and compassion that generates a rapid communication for you to build a spectacular relationship.