How to Build Fast Rapport ?

You are sitting in a bar with a couple of friends and you suddenly see this beautiful blonde enters the bar with friends. She looks at you, your heart starts beating faster and you think your approach, but do not know how . At this very moment , the thought that comes to mind is what is determined to be successful with it or not .

Let me make it clear . If you see the blonde girl looking at you and you think it's not possible that she will never want to go out with you , then you are certainly going to get her number .The number one tip for success is to report mood . Science has shown that the internal world is our mind is reflected in the outside world. This means that what your beliefs are in your mind , this is how you act in the outside world.

Trust is the key to being a great success by building relationships with people you just met . Keep your head up, shoulders back and speak with confidence , you say that the person in front of you that you love and respect yourself and in return , the same response in return from you is obtained. Always practice the body language and the confidence to speak , but do not forget to avoid being too confident because you'll arrogant.

The reason I say this is because I have experienced the disadvantages of being too trusting . In 2011, I worked in the medical company that sells retail products for seniors . One day, I met with two potential clients and went to meet him and have successfully sold the back and a pair of electric wheelchairs . The day had barely begun and I made ​​over $ 1000 commission. The same day I received another call from a potential client who wanted to buy a power wheelchair . 

I ran home , I met the person and I was so confident , I ignored the customer 95% of the time and only thought about myself. I said what I think and I left without making a sale. Later that day , I discovered that he bought an electric wheelchair from another of my colleagues.

Now that I mentioned in the previous paragraph listening , you need to always be listening. There is a reason why we have two ears and one mouth . When you listen to the person in front of you , they become more attached to you for the way you listen closely .

When you speak , always look in the eyes of the person and be sure to give a positive atmosphere. The eyes are the windows to your soul and you think to yourself , your eyes convey that. Feel the love with and see their beautiful eyes. Such eyes are the charm and compassion that generates a rapid communication for you to build a spectacular relationship.

Forum Etiquette - Don't Feed the Troll

A forum by definition is an open space - communication where like minded people can share and help each other - be it a game, a particular theme , or even a medical condition. So what do you do if you receive a comment that makes you cringe , a review that Rant or information that makes you want to forget ?

Did you try to explain or discuss this person? Do you try to reason with them and show them the error of their ways ? Have you personally?If this is the case , you may open an internet troll . What you can expect is a long list of insults all his written legacy her mother style.

When you have spent time and energy to research and write a large room, or just a harmless opinion expressed in an open forum , being struck by an anonymous rogue sniper can be very daunting . Why do this ?

In other words , they have nothing better to do.The Internet is a wonderful place to learn and share ideas . People from all walks of life around the world can discuss their experiences and knowledge in a seemingly safe environment. The problem is that it is a safe environment for everyone - including bullying. Anonymity generates boldness. They can say whatever they want and not have to face the consequences. Bullies thrive on the Internet , especially in the forums.


You do not want to overreact . You can get a bad taste in the mouth of a place of chance and get their feelings hurt by someone who means no harm , which is perfectly natural. Take a deep breath and make sure you do not take personally something that could have been done for you. Before starting a war , make sure you have a real troll on your hands. Here is a three step process to identify a troll :

# 1: Identify the difference between information and constructive insults.

It happens. Spelled "their" or " your " wrong. You published a broken link or asked a question in the wrong area . He crosses posted by accident. A well-meaning person lets you know . Thanks and correct. End of exchange. This is not a troll is someone who really wants to help - we are all in the same boat. Constructive criticism is how we learn and grow. This is how forums work for the common good . This is not a troll , is a soul sister .

# 2: Determine the agenda

As you can see , most people just want to help. Some are curious, some just do not know better. Be polite , but do not be too hard . Frankly, the real troll agenda is always the same : they want attention , and the more negative the better. They thrive on being bad .

# 3: Determine if the offender is deliberately baiting you.

Are you new to the forum ? They are new to the Internet? Her mother tongue is the same as yours ? Are they really stupid or just curious ? These are very important questions that are relatively easy to answer , just read your other posts. The difference between a beginner and a troll has the intention and tenacity.

Intent : The real trolls spend their time scanning the web for anything that allows them to start a fight. They are very good at what they do . Most of us consider a pimply loser laughing to himself as he corrects grammar and insult your operating system or historical references, but that is not what the average troll looks like. The vilest and most effective trolls are more educated than argue like snobs . Sincerely feel they are better than everyone ( although obviously a lot of free time due to their lack of true friends ) Think " Frasier " with issues and severe PMS mom. These trolls spend hours preparing the perfect lap , and even if the text can be made ​​artistically , his attacks have almost the same number of classes ( and purpose ) as a drive-by egging . His intention : to intimidate someone who mourn cyber 

TOUGHNESS : No matter what you do , these tyrants not give in. They just will not let go, even if they are proven otherwise . You can not win , period. They have the tenacity of a pitbull on steroids , minus the cuddliness .

Bottom line: If you are violently attacked by a honest mistake , a question or a valid opinion in an open forum , you can assume you have a troll in his hands.


How is a managed Internet troll ? There is only one rule:

# 1: Do . No. Engage.

In response to a troll that encourage them . They continue to discuss , bash and rant , even if you agree with them. Many blogs and forums have photos to remember " DNFTT " - do not feed the trolls. Respect . Remember that food is a troll attention - attention. You have the right to ignore , delete, unfriend , or any other method available for silence, according to the website . Let it go . Not worth the effort .

For sites that do not allow you to control and / or remove comments ( a bookseller named after a great river comes to mind ) , just let the trolls do their thing. Unresponsive or tries to explain , you're worse than you. Most people recognize a troll when they see one . If you look you will see that ( assuming you still use the same username) , are never useful for everyone. They are always in a bad mood . Nobody pays attention to them if you either.

Love Notes - Keeping Love Alive Through Notes

Katrina 's mother had always put little notes in his lunch at school. Sometimes they have been encouraging ("You can do it! " ) Or reassuring ( " today is going to be better" ), sometimes silly riddles , reminders from time to time ( " bring your sweater " ) , and more often only love ("you , dear love , have a nice day ") when I was in college , she rolled her eyes when her friends find the notes, but always secretly looked forward to his notes. Mom. she always thought that when she had children to pack little love notes too.

One day , her husband , Rick, announced that he had decided to save money and eat healthier by taking your lunch to work . He went to buy the necessary components and their first packed lunch yesterday . When she saw her lunch bag sitting on the kitchen counter , Katrina had an inspiration .He sat at his desk and wrote his first love lunch bag notes. He looked at all the different types of letters her mother had written in recent years .

She was excited to continue a tradition and was eager to write all types of notes. In the end, it was decided by the most traditional of all - a simple, " I love you. "She got into her purse under the towel , and we hope that in the confusion of the morning, he did not realize he was there . She really wanted to find a surprise lunch .She was a little sick every morning to her work as she anticipated her reaction to the note.  

For your pleasure , she received a text at 12:30 pm Rick says: " . . Thx I love you for the note "That night, when unwrapped his lunch bag , Katrina looked for the note. Later, she was put it in a desk drawer ." You saved the note? "He smiled . " I do not know , but this note appeared only a few minutes after a client has fucked me for something that was not even my fault. Their message is my best day. This meant a lot to me and I want to keep it .

"That night when her little Katrina makeup table , she found a note from Rick located between the pots. He said: " You are my sunshine. " When I went to bed , she kissed him and told him that his notes warmed his heart.His correspondence became a tradition that has lasted all year , circumstances and challenges. Although there is the possibility of losing the notes (when Rick had his wisdom teeth and anesthesia was surprised when Katrina had to run to his father in the hospital ), rarely exchange love notes missed .

There were times when it was hard to write something sweet or love. His commitment to the tradition of the note were forced to find something positive to say anyway. What they found was that the tradition of the note acted as a kind of elastic string that pulled together no matter how far the feelings and circumstances could shoot . 

Dr. Benna Sherman was a private practice licensed in Severna Park , Maryland psychologist for over 20 years. She has a specialty in couples counseling / relationship and write a fortnightly column on relationships. His book, " How to get and give love - Relationship Maps " is now available on in paperback and Kindle.

Becoming a Patient Student of Human Nature

Each council relationship is based on understanding the cause and effect of human behavior is to understand the behaviors that produce the desired results. In other words, it is to be able to predict the reactions of others to you . This is indeed an incredible ability , allowing you to monitor the results and finally get what you want. Can you think of a situation in which to predict the reactions of others , would not be a good thing?

If you pay attention you've noticed that the people who run the world as those who are successful in business , sports , politics , love and relationships in general , have one thing in common. Everyone knows how to assign others to get them to do what they need.

His knowledge and experience have made powerful . These people are seldom confused or frustrated like many of us , rather, seems to listen , and it's like they're not only playing , but de facto control . In almost all reports they get an immediate advantage , driving.

Some people seem to have an innate understanding of the factors that influence our behavior . However, this is not the only way to get there .

There are many people who love these skills simply because they are very keen observers and patients, which allows them to make accurate predictions of such reactions others will. They will tell you what buttons to push to get people to move in his direction. They have the knowledge and experience , so unbeatable. Would not this be an amazing thing if I could be like them?

It is something that is acquired can learn competition. All you need to do is commit to being a patient student of human nature. View all social interactions as an opportunity to observe and apply what you know. Make it your goal to find the screw every man. Try to understand , know what motivates Whatever your goal, keep in mind that you can not connect with anyone. And if you can not communicate with them, you can not touch .

Think about it, almost everyone around you has a weakness, as a deep insecurity or uncontrollable emotion or desire, or perhaps a necessity. Once you find what it is, which can be used to connect more deeply with the person and make all appropriate measures to convince his view things.

The expert who gives advice on relationships is looking for a little history . Once you have found the key , which is able to tell you what to do to get the results you want .

If this sounds manipulation for you, you're right. However, management is not in itself a bad thing, that's what you try to achieve that is good or bad .

You can manipulate people to make healthy choices. You can manipulate people to act in a way that benefits the most and stays out of trouble , so you can use the lever for some dark purpose, which is not right, of course ... Like it or not , manipulation is present in your daily life to be in the level of consciousness or the unconscious level . The only difference between the two is that when you consciously do to get specific results.

The kind of knowledge we are talking about give you an incredible advantage in the competition of life. All your relationships will improve . It will be the person doing the training, you will always have the upper hand.

This will not only help you get the results you want when it comes to others, but also protect you from being manipulated in a way that hurts you . Patience and practice is needed, but it will eventually become second nature , and you will eventually be rewarded.

Relationship Wisdom - 10 Communication Keys

Comunicación relacionados caemos en la trampa de " oír " y "Yo sé lo que él o ella va a decir. Escuchamos más a menudo a la nuestra charla de la mente que la conversación que sucede en la vida real. No fuimos capaces de atender a nuestras propias necesidades y por lo tanto no podemos realmente estar ahí para la persona más importante en nuestra vida : nuestro yo. En respuesta a que lo que no podemos estar allí para la segunda persona más importante - nuestra pareja.

1Comunicación relacionados , asegúrese de prestar más atención a cómo y por qué usted dice lo que está diciendo .

2Comenzar una oración con "Yo " en lugar de "tú". Esto le permite tomar responsabilidad y evita la proyección culpa a su pareja. Hable acerca de sus propios puntos de vista y es dueño de sus sentimientos.

3Deja de comunicarte cuando su ritmo cardíaco es alto (superior a 100 latidos por minuto ) . Espere a que la turbulencia discutir , además, un problema. Esto evita malentendidos y discusiones dolorosas.

4Inicia sesión entre sí durante la comunicación : contacto visual, tacto, de una sentencia diciendo que el nombre de su pareja. Asegúrese de unirse a su pareja de la misma manera y que se preste atención a su cliente más importante.

5Conocer su propio y escuchar a los límites de su pareja es imprescindible. Sea honesto acerca de no ser capaz de escuchar y aceptar plenamente "ahora no" a su pareja.

6Escuche con una taza vacía . Deje de repetir sus propios puntos de conteo o consultar su lista de compras mientras usted se comunica .

7Comunicar sin palabras. Asegúrese de practicar presencia y estar presente sin tener que hablar . Mírame a los ojos de cada uno por lo menos durante dos minutos sin interrupción todos los días. Bonus: conecte la mano.

8Abstenerse de especulación. Pare terminar sus condenas en su propia cabeza. Se sorprenderá de lo que podría salir de una conversación.

9Tome tiempo para usted . Para ser realmente capaz de asistir a otra , debemos ser primero auto- necesidades muy cuidadosos . Usted escucha y le resultará más fácil de escuchar al otro .

10Be cool con los demás. Recuerda los primeros meses ? Cada palabra que sale de la boca de su pareja era fresco, nuevo e interesante. Un retorno a la condición de novedad y escuchar a su pareja con los oídos verdaderamente abiertos.

Quieres saber más ? Echa un vistazo a mi sitio.

Nathalie Himmelrich es el fundador de " Reach for the Sky Asesoramiento y capacitación " y se especializa en el procesamiento y duelo Apoyo Relación . Ella trabaja con individuos y parejas que utilizan técnicas que van desde Meta Coaching, consultoría transformacional, Programación Neuro Lingüística para Terapia viaje . Se apoya a sus clientes en su crecimiento personal en un ambiente de apoyo y profesional. Ella es también el autor del libro de próxima aparición " padres afligidos - Sobrevivir a la pérdida como una pareja.

Grand Holidays With Your Grandkids

Are the holidays again, and already know what that means ! A lot of energy spent trying to make the season special with the perfect gifts , the most beautiful ornaments , a sumptuous feast , and family celebrations for all generations . And the problem . Meet with our families often encourages more friction than frivolity , despite the best intentions.  

Often this is due to alterations in the delicate dynamic between grandparents, their adult children and grandchildren .Many of us dream of grandparents for that special holiday traditions with our grandchildren and feel a real part of all during this special season, only to find that our adult children and their spouses have very different ideas about how the holidays should be place .

And often, these ideas do not take our thoughts , dreams , fantasies into account at all. Or maybe not even allow ourselves to imagine not having a holiday stamp because we feel that we are relegated to sitting on the bench. This is your holiday , we thought to ourselves, a feeling of sadness. Had when our children were young , and now it's your turn . 

 But the truth is that there have to be a modern miracle - day for three generations have a happy holiday together.As grandparents , we have a different approach to what we did when we raise our children . We now have the opportunity to act in a way that parents can not because ... Well, since they are "parents" . I remember holidays when my son was little.

 Between working full-time care for , buying gifts ( not to mention wrap and hide them), home decorating , baking Christmas cookies , and keep up with what is normally needs a home , I was exhausted .  

No wonder ! Although I wanted to give my son the kind of memories that I could hold on to throughout his childhood, he was not able to be fully present with him " in the moment" .But now , freed from the heavier aspects of parenting , grandparents get to relax and have fun, create memories and enjoy being someone special in the lives of our grandchildren. We are in a wonderful way to give it a place that could do when our children were small . But because we are the grandparents and not parents, it is important that we respect the guidelines and traditions that our adult children and their spouses are established. After all, we want to be a welcome addition to their traditions , not a source of frustration!

So with that in mind , here are some tips to help you and your family have the largest ever held:Make sure you are clear about what the rules of gift-giving to their grandchildren. Ask your parents what they want and do not want their kids in the kind of gifts you give , how much you spend , how gifts are distributed , and so on.

Strive to learn as much as you can in advance what will happen when and where. Do not make assumptions , because what happened last year may have no impact on the plans for this year. Ask for clarification , explaining that you want to be sure you understand how the celebrations will take place and where they stand on .

Do not take anything too personally . The holidays are stressful for everyone, including their adult children. As parents and children try to please everyone, have a little compassion . If you want to create some of your own holiday traditions with their grandchildren , which is not intended as an insult.

Plan some activities to do with your grandchildren do not include donations. The best memories of your vacation to your grandchildren never be what gifts you bought . They will be on all the fun things you did with them and the time they spend together .

Come up with a family tradition that is right for you and your grandchildren . Create something that not only agree, but we also expect every year. You can decorate cookies together , decorate the tree , sing songs around the piano, around the neighborhood to see all the Christmas lights shows , attends a special holiday show , or even volunteer to help fill gift baskets for the needy .

Note that you do not have to do all the traditions of each year. Remain flexible is the key to a big family party . Each year , ask your grandchildren what holiday activities they want to do with you. They name some of the things you've done them before, you know that you are building traditions they will appreciate and remember. But if they come with completely new and different to what they want to do with you ideas, is always great, and they feel like they have a real hand in creating special holiday memories . Anyway, this is a win -win -win for all three generations

What You Hear Is What You Get!

The term is usually " What you see is what you get " , except that the doctor and Mr. Olson.Nonagenarian Mr. Olson was walking in the street with a beautiful woman at his side. They were talking , laughing and having a good time when he realized his doctor in the other direction . They stopped without hesitation physician Dr. Olson said, "Mr. Olson , you look chipper ! "

Taking the medical side , Olson said, " Well, Doc , I feel fine. 'm Following your suggestion for a " Hot Mama and be happy! "

The doctor said, " Oh , Mr. Olson , this is not what I said I told you that you have a . " Heart murmur and take care ! "

Not that sometimes what about us humans? Interpret if someone said , do not listen to anything , use " selective listening " to hear what they want to hear, or a combination.In the case of the doctor and Mr. Olson , his " interpretation" or the audience , or " selective hearing " may be the "key" to his optimistic nature and relaxation day was .

How many times , however , when we interpret what someone says ( does not say, does or does not ) a break in our communication ? And so what happens to our sense of belonging? When we say our " story" is always filtered in some way, we have a tendency to stretch or shrink the truth of the situation.

As a child , did you ever play " The Telephone Game " in which the first person starts whispering a prayer to the next person who then passes its version to the person next to you? The mind takes a snapshot of what we were told and made our own interpretation Polaroid observation. and so on.Distribution and a sense of not belonging happens the recipient of the invented story . We feel we are no longer " belong" to the tribe, aka, family, community or organization.

So how can we avoid these failures and subsequent feelings of ostracism loop or villain? The answer lies first in honest communication not rumors. We do not " advance the cause " not to put our own spin on the subject, what we "think " that was said or done.

Another remedy may be to go to the source . If you saw your best friend to engage in conduct contrary to, consider telling them, asking them instead of going to someone else. It is true that a lot of emotional courage. You must choose the right time, the right place and with the right attitude to see his friend. Is not it better than what your mind involving other serving as drama addiction?

In the case of the doctor and Mr. Olson, it was an error with the innocent age . Mr. Olson has not heard what the doctor said and interpreted accordingly. It is a light story that can be applied to situations in our lives that can go as light seriously.Now make a plan that you thought you saw or heard you do not put your own spin or " story" about something and , if necessary , ask others for not being part of it as well .

The holidays are here . Each conversation will not be "light" . Thus, when the ramps "Uncle Henry" the volume when you speak, know what your exit strategy is before . If you receive an email that you do not know how to respond to remember that technology can be used as a tool or weapon. When you go to press " Send " on this e- mail , think twice if you want to be the receiver of information.

Finally , the release of the expectations and results can go a long way. If you do not expect the conflict in your life right now , it probably will not attract .Happy holidays to you and yours !Fearing that the conversation with your in-laws ? I do not know how to handle family conversations ? I do not know how to answer personal questions ?

Importance of Proper Communication, Communication Techniques

In society , it is very important for a person to develop their communication skills . Not only will it work for you when it comes to your professional life , you will also be able to take advantage when it comes to his personal life . What is communication? Communication is an essential part of our lives. Without it , people will struggle to maintain a good relationship .  

The misunderstanding is one of the most common reasons for disputes and fights. Developing your communication skills, you will be able to avoid this kind of personal conflicts to develop.How often fought partners due to misunderstanding ?  

At the other end of the spectrum , many employees have been promoted to be qualified to get your point across clearly? The importance of communication skills should not be underestimated . In fact, if you want to develop a very happy and fulfilling life , it is essential for you to improve your communication skills . How can you increase your communicating skills?  

There are some tips you should follow , and one of them is to have confidence . With trust is the most important ingredient of any leader . How do you get people to support you if you are unsure of yourself? A simple way to increase your ability to communicate is being updated currently . Being well offers a powerful combination to level your communication skills and increase your confidence .

Another aspect of the development of communication skills is learning to read body language . It will take some practice, but mostly it's just instinct. Saying is one thing, but if your body language says something else, then you will struggle to put their views to the listener. Remember if you want to look friendly with people you have to look nice and affordable too . 

 It is important to develop your communication skills forever. People who tend to be good at communicating with others are often considered trustworthy and are something that great leaders possess. Whether you 're at home or at work , it is essential for you to leave a good impression on others . Being able to communicate correctly is the right step towards achieving this .

Communication is a very important aspect of life. Contribute to our feelings through and learn to put it in it is important to avoid any misunderstanding . Think about how many fights have been avoided if only the people involved know how to communicate properly. Communication is essential in a civilized world . Not only will it give you great career opportunities , but also greatly enhance your personal life and relationship.

Accountability and Responsibility Go Hand in Hand

What responsibility means ? 1828 Webster says: "Responsibility is the state of being answerable for their behavior to receive a reward or punishment . " Responsibility means you can count on him. You are reliable, honest , trustworthy , and not let your business, your family, your friends, your teachers, your mentors or down. You may be invoked !

President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk in the White House who said . "Responsibility is mine " As a leader , President Truman has accepted responsibility for his actions.

In his farewell address to the American people , President Truman said, "The president whatever - has to decide he can not pass the ball to anyone Nobody else can make the decision for him it 's his job. "President Truman said a leader, a president, must take responsibility for their actions and be responsible for them . A leader does not pass the blame to someone else.

Do you want your employees to work in teams and be responsible and accountable for their areas of expertise ? Of course you do!

Recently, my colleagues and I attended a conference for education , each of us paid a considerable amount of money to participate . Education Conference includes meals .  

Ten of us went to the room to find that there was no place to sit and eat our food. We went to talk to the head of the Commission of the Conference of the food service and the staff room to put on top of another table. No one wanted to step up and report this problem.

 For over 30 minutes, we waited while everyone ate their dinner. The head of the Conference instructed to eat not take the responsibility to solve the problem quickly. Finally , after waiting 40 minutes, the staff has set up another table with a tablecloth , napkins , cutlery and glasses . After this experience , many of us said, " We never attended this conference . "

Want to attend a conference in which no one was responsible for his actions ? Of course not!In a fancy restaurant in New York in a well known hotel Park Avenue exterior, my mother ordered a cup of coffee during the lunch buffet . The child has a half cup . When she asked for more coffee server has never been used. When the bill arrived mom paid the bill leaving a small tip. The server came to ask a broader point . Mom said . " If you are not satisfied with the tips of new Boards are an excellent service Your service was not . . "

Each person should be responsible for their actions and should be taught by their employers, friends and family what it means to be responsible and accountable for their actions.What are 3 things you need to remember about accountability ?

1) To be in you must be reliable , honest and trustworthy and reliable. You will not be disappointed ! When you make a promise that you keep ! Mark Twain said, " do the right thing This meet some people and astonish the rest . . "

2) the responsibility of teaching your employees , your family, your students, and those around you .

3) Darren LaCroix , World Champion of Public Speaking says: " It's not about you. " Helping others and always do the right thing by being responsible and accountable so that people can trust and count on you.

When you say you will do something , go ahead and do it on time for the date promised . Jeffrey Gitomer , bestselling author and top sales trainer , said : "Your word is your bond. " Start today to be a leader who is responsible and accountable for their actions !

Madeline Frank , Ph.D., DTM is a bestselling author of , renowned speaker , entrepreneur, motivational teacher , researcher and concert . It helps companies and organizations " Tune Up their businesses. " Innovative observations showing sketches necessary to improve and maintain your successful business.

She Read "section and monthly musical Madeline Tips " monthly newsletter and monthly radio program " One Minute Madeline Music Radio Show" . She has just published his new book "Leadership on a tight budget."

Questions For Couples

Want to know more about your partner , but you can find that participation in an unexpected conversation ends abruptly when they usually do not have much to tell ? It's no secret that the level of interest may decrease rapidly when you run out of things to talk about .

Furthermore, it can be difficult to find new topics of spur of the moment . However, if you have an actual list of questions for couples to use, you may find that your conversation lasts for hours.

The use fun questions for couples is a fun way to learn new things about your partner that you never knew before. Even better is the fact that you enjoy spending time with your partner.It can be difficult to know where to start, if this is the first time you use the questions for couples. The following tips will help you get started . Funny questions for couples work best when incorporated into a night or a quiet home without any limitation or obligation attached to the head at night .  

Do not ask questions for couples when your partner tries to go to bed early after a busy day or when they call to ask if you can run by the store on the way home .In summary, incorporate your questions in the evening when the two time to relax , have fun and enjoy the conversation .

Listen carefully and allow your partner to complete before making judgments especially when discussing sensitive issues such as past sexual life. Remember, everything that happened in the past and can not be changed . If you condemn your partner to share something you do not like the conversation ends abruptly and chances with rabies.

Not include questions that are impossible to answer. For example , stay away from questions like " Do you think I'm fat ?" Or " I like before my gray hair started going ? There is no right answer to these questions and can cause resentment in the long run. you do not want to be backed into a corner and I must admit the truth only to have your partner become annoying . Similarly, your partner will not be placed in this position either.

You should now be better prepared to participate in this new kind of conversation . The following are examples of questions that can help you and your partner to start . Remember , have fun and learn more about your partner are the main objectives of this exercise.
1-What is the first thing you would do if money was not an object ?
2-What do you consider the best gift you could ever give ?
In your opinion, what are my best qualities ? What do you think I should try to improve ?
If you received $ 100,000 and time to spend, what to buy?
Like sports that require agility and strength as boxing or wrestling?6-Do you think there is a situation    where violence is acceptable ?
Is there anything in me that reminds you of good memories or people from your past?
What was your favorite TV when you were younger ?
Is there a food that comes in your mind because it was so good, or is there another reason 
   why it is so memorable?

Years ago, when things were not going well in my marriage counselor told us to try it.It does not work and you will be surprised how much more you will learn from each other .good luck