Why You Should Carry a Leather Bag to Impress Her

Many men, who are searching for the right woman to be in a serious relationship with, find it difficult figure out what a woman is really thinking. Women can get attached to the notion of playing hard to get and hold back information that you need to determine if you are compatible. Want to learn a few tips to get a competitive advantage on your next date? Good. You might want to print this out and take some notes.

Implement Some Style Psychology

What you wear can send an unspoken message to a woman. It can make or break a first impression. Perhaps, even spark an entire line of questioning that can set the tone for your interaction. On either your first date or the first few dates, try to carry with you a leather bag. Why? You want to carry a leather bag with you to communicate that you are serious about your work. If you are looking for a woman who can support your career goals, this is the perfect accessory to get that point across.

Ladies Only

Another reason to carry the bag is to weed out the people who may not be on your level intellectually. No one wants to take home to their mother a dummy. You have to figure out quickly if this person going to fit in with your lifestyle. The woman that wants a long-term relationship will ask you about your bag. They may ask what do you do for a living, which will provide you will a great segue to talk about your career or business goals and how your ideal mate will fit into the picture. Once you have had the opportunity to reveal some of your plans. You can counter with a comment such as, "Could you see yourself being my supportive partner?" You don't want to say 'wife' because it is too soon to know if she is wife material. You want to let her know you are interested in a friendship first.

When she answers your question, listen very carefully. If she begins to speak only of herself without you in the picture, then that is not good. She is too selfish right now to be in a relationship with you. You want to wait for an affirmative 'yes' or 'no' from her. If she begins to imagine how she can fit into your life and support you. This one is a keeper.

Get Creative

Depending on the setting, you can use your leather bag to add some mystery to the date. Perhaps, tell her it has a surprise in it for her that you will only share at the end of the date.
Here are some ideas...

Carry a box of chocolates (if it is not too hot) or her favorite candies
You could have a CD of some music you think she would enjoy and that helps her get to know you                better

You could have some photos from an album or digital photos on your iPad of your pet, family, or                  favorite places to visit

Your thoughtful gestures provide you with an opportunity to reveal more about what makes you special. It is often the quirky things that create an intimate connection. Let your actions show what you want to share moments with her and make her a priority in your life. Remember, carrying a leather bag on a date can set the tone for the dialogue you will have and help you get a clearer understanding of how well a woman can play a supporting role in your life.