Heterosexual Privilege: How LGB Relationships Are Unfairly Disadvantaged

- The LGB people are raised to be against heterosexual exposure equal to the many sexual orientations
- Men and women are denied LGB experience to learn how to date people who are attracted
- Heterosexual relationships are nurtured and celebrated constantly mentioned vs LGB relationships are           battacked, excluded , and most jokes .

- Men and women are denied the experience of LGB commitment ceremony socially sanctioned
- LGB organizations are perceived as a threat to the heterosexual institution of marriage
- Forms generally require single, married or divorced, rather validate LGB Association
  LGB people should maintain an "observer" to monitor actual or implied threats to their safety while                 heterosexuals do not have to expend energy looking over their shoulders danger signs
- Heterosexuals have no difficulty finding neighborhoods, places or events where their relationships are             accepted

- Public demonstrations of affection in relationships LGB trigger reactions of disgust , threat, or even bother
- Men and women can live with LGB fear that knowledge of his homosexuality can be used for blackmail
Internalized homophobia can create tension within a couple LGB relative degrees of openness
Heterosexuals are free to express their experiences and preferences sex openly , while encouraging lesbians , gays and bisexuals maintain an attitude of secrecy and invisibility

- People LGB normalize the ability to " compartmentalize " his homosexuality and relationships
- Men and women learn to LGB " keep track " of who knows and how much information to others about        your relationship or dating life specific

- The LGB people learn to cope with feelings of their experiences of family or private relationship vs expected support / validation from others in their social network / family
Heterosexual relationships are built on the cornerstone of "till death do us part " , while relations LGB perform waiting to be short-term and are seen through the prism of " imminent failure " (" Are you two still together? " )
- Relationships must LGB " overachieve " for validation
- The LGB people learn to keep their private relationship problems and not wait for others to attend or watch the painful feelings that may occur in the event of relationship problems or final

- Internalized heterosexism may create confusion about when conflicts or unmet needs are normal vs terminal
  Heterosexual couples have access to legal and social sanctions, while most accessories and legal and social   protections are denied basic to gays and women relationships. These advantages include

- This work off to attend to the illness or death of a partner
- Options area of a partner
- Insurance policies common cover , which generally allows low speeds
- Instant Access partner if an accident or emergency
- Joint custody of biological children
- Adoption or foster parent

Sex is regarded as the characteristic of a relationship LGB while sex is considered as one of many factors that contribute to the definition of a heterosexual relationship

- Public demonstrations of affection (eg , kissing, hugging, holding hands ) are considered by individuals           when exposed LGB sexual behavior but romantic heterosexual behavior when exposed
- Risk LGB people to be identified by the prefix of their sexual identity - for example, gays men, lesbians,

gay accounting teachers, etc. - against heterosexuals that these labels are not usually assigned prefix
Homophobia equated homosexuality with promiscuity and pedophilia , which requires LGB people to "prove" that are not dangerous or threatening

How gender roles impact of gays men Business
ome problems in relationships gay men reflect the inherent weaknesses of the masculine gender role :

Some men have learned to be the husband of defense of competition for power and differentiation
To be goal-oriented (no relation oriented ) , being territorial , autonomy, want more power , and be sexual initiation
Performance anxiety can affect two people with self-realization oriented images, especially the quality of their sex life.

Some men are socialized to equate your value as a person with power, prestige and income from their work, and to see other men as worthy competitors and , at worst, as the enemy in this game status and power.

Nor in the relationship can be aware of what is communicated , either excess or deficit of the value of their partner and is based on criteria of income and status.

Power games ( subtle , of course) is done if not spoken , especially in tasks of competition and negotiation , household chores , and finance.

One with the lowest or status as a result of the occupation may unconsciously expect to do more housework, in a heterosexual relationship, they tend to dissolve women, regardless of their employment status .

Man with less income may feel that you have fewer rights to participate in plans to spend money as a couple, because it is not their money, while being felt by the higher income partner not involved equal in the decision making task .

Some men have learned to be thinkers (rather than antennas, except anger) . Some of us need help in learning to speak and express .

Some men were educated to be critical / analyzers, to dissect and find fault with others / self / diet, so there is no error or tips .

But what serves the men in the race can not be used under
Some men have been bred to be fixers (rather than promote or soothers ) . Therefore, they will deal with stressful situations and try to solve the problem and do not listen to emotions
Some men have been trained to be in control ( of self and others).

Therefore , they will tell the other person in the relationship to the other what to feel / think / be / do
Everyone can have the power to initiate sexual contact and maintaining relationships in which the structure of the contact surface, rare and focused on exciting and interesting activities
Everyone can feel embarrassed and a loss of skills in the role of comforter how to proceed with the maintenance of the affective relationship work .

The gays men may feel inadequate if they must show dependency or need of care and
Some gays have difficulties to live as men and therefore see themselves as "other" or a woman because of rigid boundaries between masculine and feminine.

Some gays men who identify with more feminine traits may feel inadequate male for men
Some gays men can not find men "rights" act for these reasons
The same qualities "Sissi" ( be sensitive , uncompetitive and education) that were rejected by exactly what is needed to develop relationships.

Through years of being rejected and fearing masculine men , some gays men may have problems being intimate with confidence and men in general .
Both have a lot of strong feelings and needs to be treated and be emotionally close to each other , but some tools to perform these tasks.