Family Feuds, Boundaries and Forgiveness During the Holiday Season

Holidays and , in particular, the Christmas holidays are known for family feuds . Most families think it's just his own dysfunctional family and try to keep these things secret and covered .  

If the tension is tight enough , it will break in an open area with a mass of underlying problems in the scene with the ferocity of a war mount typhoon, leaving her battered and disoriented step area Honesty, see the underlying problems , the wisdom of the viability of the relationships involved , and leaving aside the grudges calm troubled waters.The first step in the healing of these disputes and tensions is to be honest about their existence .
The second is to identify the underlying problems that are trivial in the general setting out of the war.

The third is to allow the wisdom and common sense seem to be either limited or , if possible , an honest and sincere reconciliation.

Fourth, whatever the decisions and actions of one, without forgiveness , we keep piling another grudge , to add to all those who are already part of a normal human consciousness. To carry a grudge is to shorten the life and health of a poison , and the heart of a contract. Knowing this , forgiveness choice easier!

Human nature is , in fact, very predictable. Under the pretense of justice or law or assumed care for the welfare of others, will seek their own perceived victory. Often , it is driven by the desire for money . From time to time , which is driven by jealousy silent, but comparing to other toxic fate worse than trying to undermine each other to feel better about your own mistakes and shortcomings. Sometimes it is driven by rage to a person once subjected assert their freedom and dignity. Of course , most people , this is quite unconscious and rarely recognized , especially in regards to a supposed " loved " family member .

The hunger for money , jealousy , desire for control over another are all those unpleasant qualities. Few will face raw courage and therefore try to eliminate their presence bittersweet . What seems sweet to the ego - money , power and win another cost - is poison to the soul fulfillment and true happiness . If people knew, they would not be so tempted to betray what is really good for short-term gains that the smell of sickness and duplicity .

However, in the end, despite all the ugly human traits forgive, let go, and the release of our thoughts affect . After all, what is one I do? It is programmed for self- preservation. He sees the money and personal power as essential to their survival and success.

Only search within the specific practice of brutal honesty with ourselves we see these qualities , or seeds of these qualities in ourselves and therefore we recognize in others. We know what it feels like jealousy. We know that the will to power looks like. We know that contact prickly resentment. We know that the smell of money with his seduction of a better, less stressful and happier life. If we are human beings , we know these things.

If we are fortunate to be in a mental and spiritual journey that clearly recognizes this , which gradually correct human weaknesses. They will be replaced by a more mature approach to sincere and loving life. Surely, then , we can have the good grace to understand that those who are not yet on this path does not have the ability to make decisions that are obvious to us where we are. In the valley , some things that seemed a good choice, or even the only option, ridiculous over the mountain road .

Pain is the fuel for growth and everyone has to suffer the bad decisions until consciousness has matured enough to choose something else . Do not rush to condemn those who do not yet have the opportunity to be on a path that leads to peace , success and security. The price of this path is the willingness to share with others and a willingness to forgive those who do not know it's there .