Why Do Thai Girls Love Western Men?

Western men flock to Thai girls and I'm sure I could come up with many reasons why you want to have a relationship with them. But you may be wondering - what the Thai girls really want to be with Western men? 
The answer is a resounding yes, and they want Western men! Here are a number of reasons why Thai girls are attracted to us:
We seem to care much about them. Thai men (note that this is a generalization) often do not seem to care that much from their partners, and Thai women often complain that Thai men do not pay enough attention to them.
Although there are exceptions, of course, Western men have a reputation for being more reliable and faithful to their wives. Many Thai men have grown up in an environment that is quite normal to use prostitutes and sleeping around with as many women as possible, whether they are married or not. This leaves many Thai women feel helpless, insecure and worried about the future. Western men are considered more faithful and loyal.
Often Thai men, arriving at middle age and the completion of certain career or business success, openly take Mia Noi (a "second wife" or mistress). This is usually a very very young, just out of high school often. They created an apartment, buy him a car, and show at parties with friends. This creates a lot of anxiety and sadness for the woman who stays at home to care for their children, she feels treated as a mere servant. As an acceptable and widely practiced custom (male) Thailand many Thai women are deeply disappointed by Thai and seek relationships with Western men most reliable, honest and committed.
Many Western men in their middle ages is very comfortable in their financial situation. Life is hard in Thailand, and no social security or social assistance. Wages are low and the future always announces dangerous, especially for Thai women once they pass 25. So naturally seek some security and a more stable financial security that Western man can give life. Instead, devote their love and future of Western man, and often deal with it in recent years - when the western woman can be satisfied with his life, he leaves and decides he wants to "find" itself and meets etc. 

Thai men are rarely educated to help their wives at home at all. Although most Thai girls are happy to be a housewife and take care of their husbands and children, who will certainly appreciate help their husbands at home, especially with children. 

Western men are more interested in parenting, and are often willing to participate with them. Attending school plays, sporting events with their children or help with homework is a lot of fun and Western men seem to enjoy much more than Thai men. Thai makes women feel much more connected as a family if she lives with a man of the West who is actively involved with her and the children. 

These are some of the many reasons why Thai girls are very interested in a relationship with a man of the West. The stereotype is often repeated that they want financial security is simply not true. They are generally much more true love and respect for a man of the West, and the word of Thai girls is spreading rapidly through social networks and internet forums that a relationship with a Farang (Western man) is much more satisfying and provides greater long-term happiness. 

If you think a relationship with a Thai girl might be for you, then I invite you to explore this opportunity and learn about their values ​​and customs. Talk to Western men who are happily married with Thai girls, or get a head start by studying some of the excellent guides available on the internet.