International Relationships: A Perfect Solution

Like many others, I am tired of the ugliness that some women show men and some women to show men. I would like to propose a rational solution to this problem.
There are many men who want an obedient wife, and there are many women who want to be free men or more equitable relationships. Fortunately, the world is a big place, and can accommodate all. And the way to achieve this is: 

That men want women are obedient women elsewhere.
Most women outside the Western world would come to the West. If you meet a man of the West, the outcome will work for both parties. The woman would have a chance of a better life. And the man would also have the possibility of a better life - a woman who is grateful and would be willing to treat them accordingly. 

A big mistake that many men make is to go for the free spirit woman that appeal to them, but they expect the behavior of a traditional woman. This works ever. Free spirits are a means, TBAs are another. These men are with women they find attractive and then try to force them to be something they are not. And that is a recipe for misery for both parties.
If you want a traditional woman, then go for a traditional woman. There are many of them, especially in places like Iran, India, Thailand, Ukraine and Brazil. If your race puts you off and get over your racism. These women know how to treat a human right, and a man who wants a docile partner is the way to go. 

For western women, it would work well. They would be free to unwanted attentions of conservative men and could be - single, lesbian, or a man who believes in the equality of sexes. And yes, they also exist and are often not the people you expect them to be. 

The global economy has a great advantage over a number of levels. In just three decades, millions of people were lifted out of extreme poverty in China alone, while Western consumers got cheaper devices, Western companies were booming, and now even the American workers are beginning to benefit the new rich Chinese buy American cars. 

Global relations reach a similar result for relationships. Western men who want women kinds obtainable, and women in other parts will be able to enjoy a better life, and Western women have the freedom to be who they want to be and not have to submit to a patriarchal or authoritarian. For this reason, I think this is the ideal solution for equality - that benefits everyone involved in the result.