Idle Thoughts Can Lead To Negative Outcomes

A phrase that has resonated since biblical times, says "As a man thinketh, so is he." It is an important principle of contemporary motivational speakers. Many describe as a literal truth. 

You will find a list of great scholars advance this truth. Old masters such as Pythagoras, Socrates, Aristotle, The Apollonius of Tyana, known as Christ the so-called "Jesus" by Christine Gnostics. and luminaries as the Comte de Saint-Germain, John Huss and Sir Francis Bacon argued that as a demonstrated truth.
If this is the case, it would be prudent to control our thoughts. Could it be that we become monsters if our thoughts are in the same vein, we could become live mentally sadistic if the amount of joy that we think of the pain it might inflict on others? 

We can see a man who can claim to be the speech of a loving husband, a loyal worker, an honest politician and yet the behavior and actions evil. His thoughts dominate and ultimately shape their worldview, corrupt and weaken their minds. 

Significantly, just thought was a factor in the success of every man and woman who has never reached a higher purpose in life. Research on thoughts recorded major industry leaders and government. Apparently, the record supports the theory. 

One wonders what the thoughts of many current artists, especially those who stand on stage and sing in skimpy underwear. What thoughts go through your mind and the thoughts that go through those watching. What thoughts lead versificar called rappers obscene language rhythm for women and their body parts.
"As a man thinketh, so is he."? 

If we are careful to control our thoughts, we become victims of this toxic mental environment? If you are healthy, but we think we are, why we are sick? Many have witnessed this experience. The state of our current culture seems to suggest that many minds are out of control. 

In this regard, I remember a book by Napoleon Hill wrote called outwit the devil. It is all about the importance of controlling our mind not to let outside "thoughts to drift." 

We are told that the average person has about 60,000 thoughts a day. Most of them are not new, original or positive. It is not surprising that we can find idle thoughts that lead us astray.
We would be well advised to keep our thoughts.