What Peace Means to Me ?

It's almost hereAt this time of year,A celebration in the country,A time to care ,A time to share ,Christmas peace and joy of Christmas. ~ Brenda SilveiraChristmas is a time of peace and joy for all mankind . Really? Should be, but for most people it is a time of stress and disorders.

Just visit the malls at this time of year and you will not see much love and kindness. People are running around trying to collect all the last minute gifts and food. Cars almost crashed trying to get into the same parking space. Children cry . Harsh words are spoken and shared glares . Impatience is people shoving high performance trying to get through the crowd and did not even apologize or say sorry. Parents begged their children to behave while dragging from store to store . Certainly, there seems to be much peace in the mall.

Can you find love and goodness in the house? If you could look inside , you will see many families struggle to find out who is decorating the tree, cleaning the house and preparing food . Wanna hear arguments about gifts to buy and how much money to spend. Then there is the problem of who to invite for Christmas dinner . Some parents are not welcome or spam . Then there are those who want to invite , but are angry against something. No, does not seem to be much peace at home either.

Everyone has different ideas of Christmas and how they would like to celebrate according to their faith and family traditions . What matters is that we try to enjoy this wonderful time of year with our loved ones and feel the peace and joy that should go with this season.What peace means to me ?

without conflict, the time at home with my family and friends
knowing that I was able to put aside past problems and forgive all who have hurt me3-knowing I did not spend or borrow buying gifts4-be able to show kindness and love for others
be able to smile despite the attitude and actions of the other6-see the value in myself and others7-feeling of warmth and joy in my heart

If we have problems that prevent us from spending quality time with our family and friends , it's time to put it all in the past. Hold grudges helps no one and actually does more harm and damage more we cling to them. Most complaints are disagreements or misunderstandings that are even less important idiot. With a little positive communication , we could solve these problems and not take our anger, hatred and bitterness for years or even our lives.

We have to forgive people for what they have said or done . It can be difficult , but necessary if we are to find peace in our lives . Forgiving someone out with good or says is normal , forgiveness releases its own pain and lets you get rid of your load.

Facing Christmas without unnecessary stress , hatred , anger or bitterness will give you a clear path to a joyful season. Letting go of the pain that burden . Forgive people lost the door to be opened or damaged relationships .

Do you get all stressed out trying to have a perfect Christmas , because there is no such thing . Take time to enjoy this wonderful season with your family and friends . Remember this is a time of peace and joy.

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men . "