How To Get Along With Difficult Relatives During the Holidays

Almost all the trees of the family has a few nuts . Usually large family gatherings are when they shake loose causing havoc and hurt feelings. The prickliest parents are those who are self-centered , pessimistic, domineering, critical , impatient, angry or all of the above . These features resemble anyone you know ? Or someone who does not want to know?

Nobody wants to get stuck in difficult or hostile conversations during the season of brotherly love. More is not present or overeating at a dessert bar , these are good strategies to keep the memorable events and strengthen family ties ?

First rule : Nothing is personal. If you walk down the street and a person with a mental disability unconscious shouted something offensive to you , would it hurt your feelings ? Would you take it personally ?

I asked this question to many customers and all said, " No, it would not hurt my feelings I realize that the man in the street has been deactivated and their opinion would not mind. . " Same logic applies to a parent who did comment awkward in their favorite holiday sweater. It is quite possible that the report stubborn social disability. Do not take it personally , smile and move on.

Second rule : Talk about the concepts that you agree to place the details of the disagreement. For example, if you are conservative and aunt Sadie was said . " Tea Party ruining our country, we must re elect a Democrat in the next election " would be silly to pretend or not the Tea Party ruining the country or revise its instead of saying frontrunner . " Yes , it would be good for people to become informed and involved in the upcoming elections . " Education and citizen participation is an area where you agree . Choose to speak on areas of agreement rather than sampling the details of disagreement.

Third rule : Plan to listen more than you talk . Dale Carnegie in his classic book , How to Win Friends and Influence People , he said, "You can make more friends in two months by interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. " If you show a genuine interest in their parents , it is surprising how easily conversations develop. You can show others that you care by asking questions , making sincere praise and listen without interrupting.Fourth rule : have an exit strategy . 

Drive yourself to the party or gathering so that you are in control of the duration of stay. Holding car keys in your hands to create a change in mentality . You are not trapped by a long history of Uncle Fred victim chooses to participate . You make a memory with an old man who can not be there next Christmas.