Signs of Relationship Trouble

Good relationships smoothly and allow you to enjoy your life, work and activities beyond the relationship. No worries you or talk forever . Like a car without problems , it should continue to repair . You can have disagreements and angry, but you still have good will toward others, talk about things , conflict resolution , and the return to a pleasant state of love.

But cars do not require an interview. Take care of him , and works better . Relationships also take time and effort to maintain an intimate relationship. It occurs naturally in the initial romantic phase when you want to get to know your partner , spending time together , having frequent sex , and are more open and flexible. It is less willing to compromise and may want less privacy . Even if you have not filed , you can return to the same emotional state you were when you met - or worse - and wonder where your love is gone , or if your partner loves you . This is where you need to maintain the bond of love "the struggle for intimacy ."

Here are some warning signs that your relationship may be in trouble . This does not necessarily mean that it is not recoverable and can not get the connection of love again, but does not mean you need to have both an honest communication and may require the help of a couples therapy. The following list of problems relationship applies to you or your partner . They are also common characteristics of codependent relationships and codependency can they be the underlying problem .A. The lack of flexibility or repeated refusal to compromise on decisions such as mobile social activities, tasks , and have children.

Two . Selfishness or participation with their own feelings and needs , interest and support for your partner .

Three . The parental interference .April . Repeated deference to a friend or relative on the plea of ​​their partner.May . Cases reviewed , undermining , guilt, sarcasm , disrespect, or repeated handling . This is verbal abuse. You can refer to my article , " Emotional abuse - . Below their radar "

6. A model of the source of the communication , affection or sex. This is often a sign of hidden anger.7. The arguments or issues that are not resolved.8. Raging or insults.9. Keeping Secrets .10. Aggressive or passive - aggressive behavior, including pushing or breaking things .11. Control behavior , including giving unsolicited advice , order, or withholding money for   reasonable       expenses in order control.

12. A secret relationship or pattern of flirting.13 . The use of drugs or alcohol, which affects the relationship or job.14 . Too much time apart if it causes dissatisfaction partner.15 . Lingering resentments, judgments or disappointments.16 . The general lack of open communication, lack of communication or personal content. Note that this may not be a problem for some couples with low intimacy needs , where their function relationship and business association .

17 . Distribution of trust. This can be caused by many things, such as dishonesty , using personal information against their partners , reliability, promises or agreements violate personal boundaries , or infidelity broke.

18 . You need constant attention , validation or reassurance - all it gives is never rewarding long .19 . There are subjects that are off limits or are afraid to talk .20 . The violation of personal boundaries , such as disrespect to your request not to be called to work, not be repeated confidential information to others, not to be criticized for something, or not to read your mail.

The purpose of this list is not to mark your relationship or your partner , but to ask questions that you may need to personally meet and talk openly with him or her . Many of these relationship problems revolve around the lack of healthy assertive communication - an open , direct , respectful, honest and personal communication. Couples get into trouble when they are afraid to be honest - often because they think the truth will upset your partner and could jeopardize the relationship.

No express their pain or love or support call they want, or do so in a way that is critical or blaming . People learn to communicate and solve problems with others in their growing family. Without good models, some have never learned to be enforced. Assertiveness can be learned, but it takes practice.Other relational problems are created by an imbalance of power , where one partner tries to dominate the other by aggression , control, or psychological or verbal abuse. This is detrimental to the relationship and the trust of the other couple. It is not uncommon in relationships with an addict or narcissistic . A partner can control the other by poverty requires attention or validation , or play the victim , hoping that the other person or make him happy.

Repetitive patterns of negative relationships due to problems arising in childhood , such as disrespect of communication, lack of education and free emotional expression , a mother of control, boundary violation , neglect and parenting War children , mental illness , addiction or abuse . A variety of dysfunctional parenting styles cause embarrassment and undermine a child 's self-esteem , which continue into adulthood . 

Shame and reinforce low self esteem, love , intimacy and assertive communication . People with shame and low self-esteem do not feel worthy of love and / or respect , and either emotionally withdraw or push your partner away , directly or indirectly. Abuse or allow the abuse to imagine they are criticized when they are not , and are so afraid of losing the relationship drown or control their partner or deny negative feelings and resentments build.The struggle for intimacy requires the courage to face the behaviors and attitudes and unhealthy vulnerable . This is to overcome the defenses of denial , withdrawal, control or appease avoid a real connection. Since relationships are dynamic systems in which a pair behaves in a manner described above , damages the relationship . Similarly, when he or she or her skills and self-esteem improves communication , the relationship improves. Often one spouse in individual therapy for positive change , and marriage change for the better.