A. loveEveryone deserves to be loved and we all prosper greatly feel loved and to be able to love others . However, the definition of love and get the amount of love that we want and how we want is much easier said than done! Although
love is a feeling,
we have a lot of experiences and thoughts about love
that makes it difficult to see clearly on this complex issue of the
past. What
is clear is that men and women often have a different perception of
love, and the way to show love can be very different from one person to
another . Some people expressed love mainly through words , while others prefer to show their love through their actions. Whatever
your language of love is sure to inform your loved ones for you to
avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and feelings of pain.
Two . respectRespect
is a very sensitive issue , and the notion of respect is often the
culprit of many misunderstandings in relationships and lively
discussions. Therefore,
it is important to remember that people often have very different
opinions on what is relatively good, especially if they are of a
different cultural environment. In
other words, what they perceive as a lack of respect can be quite
normal in the opinion of another , and so the actions of one person is
not necessarily a sign of disrespect, even if you happen to feel
disrespected. However,
there are a number of behaviors that should never be taken universally
in no way respectful.These include violent behavior , emotional abuse ,
constant lies, betrayal and malicious manipulation . If
you find these behaviors in your partner and your relationship, it's
time to ask yourself if you want to spend your time and energy on fixing
these habits die hard , or they may be better for your self esteem away
still intact.
Three . privacyPrivacy implies closeness, solidarity , affection, warmth and sexual connection. If
we talk about physical or verbal communication, it is important to have
a level of intimacy that you feel comfortable and promotes the feeling
of being understood , loved and respected . You should not feel pressured or forced to push back its own limits when it comes to privacy. Communication is key when it comes to finding a level of intimacy that you both can be happy.April . confidenceWithout an air of trust in a relationship , feelings of love, respect and privacy are slowly suffocate.
and for your own peace of mind , confidence is better when it initially
granted unconditionally , and a feeling of distrust towards the other
must first win. In other words, innocent until proven guilty ! To
maintain a healthy level of trust in the relationship , you and your
partner should both be reliable , open, honest, trustworthy and support
their communication and actions with each - other by at least 95 % of
the time . If
you know you can trust your partner when you reveal your weaknesses ,
fears, hopes and dreams, but this information is ignored, laughed ,
shared with others or used against them in subsequent discussions , you
can be sure that you have a good supportive friend you can trust , as well as a lover.
person who is not trustworthy quickly show their true face or her for
not paying attention to what you say , not show on the agreed time ,
giving constant excuses for bad behavior , lies, defensive performance
without apparent cause , which has a confusing and indirect communication , and giving mixed signals and again. However,
note that if you are having problems with constant trust with the
people around you , the problem may likewise come from within yourself .
May . common interestsWhen it comes to common interests , clearly having not share everything with a potential partner. However,
without a lot of common interests , values, beliefs , etc, you can
easily get bored or irritated , and you will not have much to talk about
or you have a lot of things to do together after thrilling first novel
to be have subsided.
Opposites may attract , but not for long! Important
common interests that should be considered before investing in a long
term relationship include: children (with or without the type of
education , discipline, etc. ) , where and how to live, how to spend
your free time ( view travel , the sport,
recreation , etc. ) , personality ( extrovert vs. introvert ) ,
religious beliefs (they can find common ground ), culture (can work ) ,
level of education and policies.
Camilla is a qualified and experienced psychologist and therapist with
over fifteen years of experience in helping people overcome
psychological problems like anxiety, fear , depression , bereavement,
relationship difficulties , abuse , addiction , and more. Ms. Dessing currently works as associate psychology Psychology Centre , Singapore. For more information or to schedule and appointment